Little Berkhamsted, Queen's Platinum Jubilee Flower Festival

St Andrew’s Church, 2-5 June 2022

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations began in the village in spectacular fashion, with the grand opening of the Flower Festival at St Andrew’s Church, at 12 noon on 2nd June.

On a glorious summer’s day, with the church bathed in bright sunshine and flags fluttering in the breeze, a crowd gathered outside the beautifully decorated South Porch, to watch the official ‘cutting of the ribbon’, carried out by our local show-business celebrity and long term supporter of the village, Dave Peacock, to get the Festival underway.

Inside the church, the visual experience was breathtaking. A magnificent exhibition of floral displays of the highest quality, with blooms bursting with colour, their scents and fragrances hanging in the air to greet us all. Every surface of the church’s interior, every column, every window cill and every ledge was festooned with arrangements of superb artistry, all brought together with extraordinary skill and imagination.

Thanks must go to the Revd. Theresa Musiwacho for giving her permission to use the church for the Festival. And, of course, enormous recognition and thanks go to the talented team of dedicated helpers and volunteers whose artistic skills, energy and enthusiasm created this wonderful event, under the direction of Sandie Ash.

The Festival ran for the full four days of the special Jubilee Weekend in honour of our Queen’s long and historic reign, bringing much joy and great pleasure to everyone who visited this stunning and exceptional spectacle.